The Moon Sign – What It Says About Your Inner Child

The Moon Sign – What It Says About Your Inner Child

Understanding your natal moon can help you on your path to self-discovery. In your birth chart, your moon sign represents the most delicate and sensitive part of your being, your “emotional self.”

In this article, you will learn what the moon sign represents in astrology and how this can help you improve your relationship with yourself and others.

The moon is the closest celestial body to the planet Earth. It’s the most observed star throughout the history of mankind. Not only from traditional astrology but from all cultures. The moon’s phases measure the timing of agricultural processes, the female menstrual cycle, and magic rituals.

Moon Sign Meaning in Astrology

The moon will show us the most intimate and innermost part of our being. It describes your childhood, your relationship with your mother and grandmothers, your emotional world, your most primitive fears, your emotional needs, and your way of expressing affection.

It’s important to locate the sign of your moon, the decan, the phase, the house in which it is located, and the Ptolemaic aspects it may have with other planets.

The signs of the zodiac are constellations of stars, and when we say the moon is in the sign of Gemini or Scorpio, it means that the moon, from the perspective of earth, is located in those constellations.

Moon Sign Transits

The Moon takes two days and a couple of hours to transit a sign. In one month, it travels around the entire zodiac wheel. This path is not exactly like that of the Sun, i.e., at the end of September, the Sun will always be in Libra, but the Moon will be in a different sign and phase each year.

Therefore, a group of people born in a specific time interval may have the sun in the same sign, but the same group will have their moon in different signs.

What is my Moon sign?

The sign of your moon will give us its main characteristics. Access an online birth chart calculator and enter your birth information to find your moon sign. We recommend

What Does my Moon Sign Mean?

Now that you know the sign of your natal moon, here are its characteristics.

Moon in Aries

Aries Signo Icono

Do you have the moon in Aries in your birth chart? You have intense and forceful emotions. You need active energy and constant motivation to bond, especially in relationships. You must learn to avoid being impulsive when communicating and think before speaking.

Aries moon natives need to surround themselves with people who allow them to be and express themselves freely and creatively without many restrictions.

Moon in Taurus

Tauro Signo Icono

Moon in Taurus natives tends to have more calm and slow emotions. You need to feel secure in all things. You express affection through tangible acts: offering a comforting hug, a warm drink, a sweet treat, or a good massage.

You must learn that what you offer is also what you wish to receive. You should note that sometimes holding on to that false security blocks new possibilities for you.

Moon in Gemini

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Moon in Gemini tends to rationalize all their emotions: I think, therefore I feel.” This may seem calculating, but this moon connects you with infinite forms of emotional attention. Your basic need is to be able to understand what is going on in your heart. Gemini moons often learn from psychology, psychoanalysis, writing, and astrology, aiming to understand their inner processes.

The biggest challenge for you is to connect with your body because spending so much time in your head can make you lose the basic notions of your physical well-being. You may not realize when you are hungry or when you are full, when it is cold or when it is hot, etc.

Moon in Cancer

Cancer Signo Icono

The Moon in Cancer feels at home since Cancer is the Moon’s ruling sign. You are very affectionate with others, to the point of playing the role of a mother when it is not your place. Therefore, you need to learn to mother yourself: to take care of yourself always, as if you were a little girl or boy.

Your great challenge is emotional regulation without repression. Crying is very easy for you, and that’s okay; crying is a natural and valid expression that you should never repress.

Moon in Leo

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The basic emotional need for the moon in Leo natives is to occupy a clear place in the lives of their loved ones. The biggest lesson for this moon is that the most important person in your life should be you, without falling into extreme self-centeredness, so the main goal is to find balance.

Your way of expressing affection is to show protection, defending those you love the most – as long as they recognize you.

Moon in Virgo

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If you have Moon in Virgo, you express affection through acts of service. You are always willing to be helpful and patient. Your emotional need is to feel reciprocated in those same acts of service.

One way to nurture your Moon in Virgo is by caring for your spaces, clothes, and nutrition. If you have a clear routine, it is much easier to regulate your emotionality, making room for rest and energetic discharge.

Moon in Libra

Libra Signo Icono

Do you have Moon in Libra? Your main need is emotional balance. You avoid conflict at all costs and suffer a lot when there are fights near you. It is very easy to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and try to mediate reconciliations.

Your great challenge is to allow yourself to express what you feel, especially if it is an inharmonious emotion such as sadness, anger or frustration, without fear of looking bad.

Moon in Scorpio

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The emotions of a Moon in Scorpio are deep and intense. You need loyalty and trust most in a relationship because you can deliver completely. Ironically, that same loyalty and trust are often very difficult to obtain because you are afraid to give all that commitment in vain and suffer a betrayal.

One main characteristic of the moon in Scorpio is strong intuition and the possibility of connecting with transcendental worlds.

Moon in Sagittarius

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Moon in Sagittarius tends to have a feeling of constant exile. It’s as if you never feel at home or part of your community. Your quest will be to find new ways to feel emotionally secure. This will lead you to want to travel, meet people from other cultures, study higher education, and finally find a place to call “home.”

The most important lesson for Moon in Sagittarius is to realize that the feeling of home and emotional security is not found outside: in other places, or with other people, but within you.

Moon in Capricorn

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Emotional stability is everything for Moon in Capricorn. You always seek safe environments and avoid, above all, feeling too overwhelmed. The search for your heart will always go towards “affective responsibility,” especially when it is mutual. Your great challenge is to allow yourself to be vulnerable and to expose yourself when necessary.

Moon in Aquarius

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If you have Moon in Aquarius, your basic need is emotional independence. This can make others perceive you as cold. What happens is that you look for connections that can give you freedom and the possibility to express yourself authentically and genuinely.

The greatest challenge for Moon in Aquarius is to commit emotionally and be responsible with others, to understand that love does not represent bondage.

Moon in Pisces

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Moon in Pisces seeks to help and care for others without excluding anyone. However, this sometimes makes others take advantage of you. You tend to avoid reality when you most need to attend to yourself, so you often seem emotionally disconnected when you are really feeling things deeply.

The greatest challenge of Moon in Pisces is to set limits for others. You must also ground yourself and connect with reality, especially when experiencing painful situations.

Connect With Your Moon Sign

These are some descriptions that can help you understand your moon sign traits. Remember that the Moon will be influenced by the positions of the other planets and your natal Sun, the house in which it is located and the aspects it may have. However, this can be a good start to understanding this aspect of your birth chart.

Hypatia Thiriat

Astróloga kármica y dracónica. Tarotista con más de 16 años de experiencia. Profesora en formaciones de tarot. Reikista Usui III. Máster en Psicología Holística. Magister en Escrituras Creativas.

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