How to Find Your Dream Career Using Astrology

How to Find Your Dream Career Using Astrology

Do you feel lost in your career choices? Are you wondering whether you’ve made good decisions or are following a path that doesn’t fit in?

If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, don’t worry because you’re not alone! While this is a decision only you can make, many tools are available to help you assess whether you’re on the right path.

Come with me to discover a few hints that your birth chart can provide to help you find the career of your dreams!

Can You Find Your Career Using Astrology?


Your birth chart contains a wealth of information that can assist you in finding the perfect career for you. As a complex individual, you can take more than one path, and astrology can reveal the needs you must fulfill to discover the right path for yourself

What are the Astrology Career Houses?

Your birth chart is divided into 12 areas, each associated with different aspects of life. Among these areas are three houses particularly relevant to career and work. These houses will reveal what matters to you regarding money, work, and career.

It’s important to note that this is just a starting point! Understanding these houses in your chart will provide hints to finding a path that suits you best. However, other elements in your chart can come into the equation to find a more precise answer.

The Three Career-Related Houses in Astrology

The following are some of the most common houses to look at in your birth chart for career and job-related questions.

1. Tenth house 

This house is considered the main one when it comes to career. The tenth house works as a life guide, showing which directions are more aligned with your soul.

Here, you can find tips on what you consider success, what you want your public image and persona to be, and the social status you are willing to achieve.

2. Midheaven

In modern astrology, the Midheaven (MC) is determined by the cusp of the tenth house. It’s the highest point of your chart and represents your aspirations.

It can relate to your path, how you drive your life, and your decisions toward a successful future.  

3. Sixth House

The sixth house of your chart reveals what is essential to your work routine. Here, you can discover the characteristics of your ideal everyday job, including the work environment and relationship with coworkers.  

4. Second House

The second house indicates how you earn and spend your money. The sign and planets in this house will reveal your talents and the right attitude to capitalize on them.

This house will help you understand how you manage your savings and material goods and how significant financial stability is to you.

Your Astrology Career Path According To Your Midheaven Sign

The Midheaven is one of the most significant career indicators on your chart. The Midheaven (MC) represents “the path your soul should follow.” The sign is “your driving style” and how you conduct your life on this road.

For a more precise interpretation, look for planets doing any aspect with this point, the presence of any planet within the tenth house, and where the sign’s ruler is placed on your chart.

Midheaven Sign Calculator

If you don’t know your midheaven sign, I recommend using this birth chart calculator. Just fill out your birth details and look for the midheaven (MC) sign.

Midheaven Sign Birth Chart


If you have your Midheaven in Aries, you need to follow a path of leadership and challenge. People with this position are expected to be pioneers in their fields.

You can be very competitive regarding your career goals and find it hard to follow others’ rules.

This fire sign can provide good athletes, firefighters, and police officers, and entrepreneurs.

Signo Aries Icono Morado


If your Midheaven sign is Taurus, you need to have a stable and solid career. You can be very determined when it comes to your goals and achieving success.

If your Midheaven is in this sign, you probably seek a comfortable future, a large bank account, and recognition for your talents.

 Art-related paths are highly compatible with this position, such as design and architecture or working within the financial market

Signo Tauro Icono Morado


The career for a midheaven in Gemini is all about communication and being social. With great persuasion and argumentative skills, you can be successful in spreading your ideas and sharing your knowledge.

Your career goals change over time, and you can be interested in different fields.  

Working as a teacher, a politician, or with social media can be an excellent fit for this position. 

Signo Geminis Icono Morado


If your Midheaven is in Cancer, a path where you can care for and nurture others is recommended. It’s important for you to express your emotions and even help others to do the same.

Finding a balance between your career and personal life can be your goal.

If your Midheaven is in Cancer, working as a nurse, psychologist, or interior designer can fulfill your needs.

Signo Cancer Icono Morado


This position can indicate a very confident and charismatic public figure. If your Midheaven is in this sign, it can be easy to be in the spotlight regarding your career.

It’s essential to follow a creative path where you do things passionately and inspire others.

If public exposure isn’t a problem for this Midheaven, you can find your way as a TV anchor, an artist, or a manager.

Signo Leo Icono Morado


The organized and meticulous Virgo sign can get along with careers that put its services to the benefit of others. You can be very attached to details and seek perfectionism in any path you choose.

It’s important for you to work on your routine to achieve your goals.

A scientific career, such as a researcher, journalist, nurse, or doctor, can suit you well.

Signo Virgo Icono Morado


A Libra midheaven is about creating a good environment since this is a polite and diplomatic sign. It’s essential for you to maintain a cordial and fair relationship with others.

Finding a path that balances your social and artistic skills can be very pleasing.  

This well-related sign can provide good lawyers, artists, and event organizers.

Signo Libra Icono Morado


If your Midheaven is in Scorpio, you probably seek a powerful yet reserved public image. Scorpio deals very well with obscure matters and themes considered taboo.

Choose a path where you can use your investigative skills, intuition, and ability to see beyond the facts.

Working as a detective, a journalist, or a therapist can suit your Midheaven in Scorpio very well.

Signo Escorpio Icono Morado


If your Midheaven is in Sagittarius, you likely crave adventure and new experiences. As an open-minded and truthful sign, you must find a path aligned with your values and beliefs.

It would help if you had a dynamic career that sparks your interest as you constantly seek growth and broaden your horizons.

Working as a travel guide, professor, or backpacker can fulfill your development needs.

Signo Sagitario Icono Morado


Capricorn sign energy is all about hard work and pursuing your goals. Seeking a mature and successful public image, be prepared to focus on your career constantly.

If your Midheaven is in this sign, you know the importance of building a well-structured foundation and that it takes time to climb to the top.

A business executive, lawyer, or engineer can be a great fit for this Midheaven.

Signo Capricornio Icono Morado


As the most eccentric sign, an Aquarius Midheaven does not follow a “traditional” career path. If you have an MC in this sign, you may be willing to have a unique public image and can use your innovative and high-tech skills to stand out.

It’s also essential to align your humanitarian values with your career choices.

Working in technology, such as an IT professional, web developer, or within an NGO, can be fulfilling for this MC.  

Signo Acuario Icono Morado


The dreamy Pisces sign can often struggle with finding a career that feels grounded in reality. If you have a Midheaven in this sign, you need to find a path that embraces your spiritual and psychic side.

Incorporating your imagination and creativity into your work is highly recommended.

It’s easy to imagine this MC working as an actor, artist, holistic therapist, or even a yoga instructor

Signo Piscis Icono Morado

Use Astrology To Find Your Ideal Career Path

Finding your dream career is not an easy task. It involves combining many desires and different areas of your life. Your path can always change, and there is always time to pursue new goals that feel more aligned with your soul!

A deeper understanding of your birth chart can shorten your search and provide a more well-defined career path. This will help you fulfill the various aspirations you feel inside and guide you on the correct route.

Mariana Teodoro

I’m a professional astrologer, amazed by the possibilities hidden in the sky! I perceive astrology as a complex language, and my mission is to decode it in an engaging and accessible manner. With my work, I assist individuals in discovering their unique abilities and manifesting their true potential in the world.

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