Each zodiac sign has a ruling planet. The ten planets are the sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, and pluto. Although the sun and moon are not technically planets, they are considered a part of the personality in astrology.

The energy of each planet creates certain characteristics in each sign that rules it. Below you can see a summary of each planet, its symbol, the sign it rules and a brief description.


Ruling sign: Leo

The Sun represents our identity, personality, and ego. The sun sign shows us how a person makes decisions, why he does what he does. Symbolically, it can also represent the father figure in the natal chart.


Ruling sign: Cancer

The Moon represents our deepest feelings, instincts, and moods. The Moon also represents our mother figure and feminine energy in the birth chart.


Ruling Signs: Gemini, Virgo

Mercury represents our thoughts, ideas, and how we communicate. Mercury’s position in our natal chart shows us how we learn and express ourselves.


Ruling Signs: Taurus, Libra

Venus represents our values, what attracts us, and our style of love. It shows how we express our love and feelings. The position of Venus in our natal chart shows us where we find harmony and pleasure.


Ruling sign: Aries

Mars represents our energy, impulses, and how we take action. The position of Mars in our natal chart shows us where we struggle to stand out. It can also point to where we experience conflict.

Planeta Jupiter Astrologia Icono


Ruling sign: Sagittarius

Jupiter represents our sense of optimism and hope. It symbolizes fortune, abundance, education, and long journeys. Jupiter’s position shows us where we experience good luck and fortune.


Ruling sign: Capricorn

Saturn represents structure, discipline, and responsibility. Saturn’s position points out where we feel uncomfortable and restricted in our lives. It is important to overcome this limiting energy.


Ruling sign: Aquarius

Uranus represents eccentricity and rebellion. It points out our individuality and what makes us special. The position of this planet in our natal chart tells where we experience sudden and unexpected changes.


Ruling sign: Pisces

Neptune represents spirituality, imagination, illusions, and everything extrasensorial. This planet points out where we find spirituality and also our delusions.


Ruling sign: Scorpio

Pluto represents death, sex, power struggles, transformation, and regeneration. The position of this planet in our natal chart indicates where we experience profound psychological and spiritual changes.

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